“Rate and Indication of Elective Caesarean Section: A Retrospective Study”
Background: The elective caesarean rate also contributes to increased total caesarean section ratesin recent times. This study was undertaken to know the elective caesarean section rate in a districthospital and the indications contributing to it.
Method: Sociodemographic data for the electivecaesarean section deliveries and indications of elective caesarean sections performed during oneyear from January 2020 to December 2020 at The Apollo Medical College and Government districthospital, Chittoor were collected in a retrospective manner.
Results: Elective caesarean section ratewas 43.85%. Booked multigravida women, 20 to 30 years old, studied up to metric, residing in arural area, belong to middle socioeconomic status were the majority to undergo elective C.S. RepeatC.S. made the most significant contribution to the elective C.S. rate followed by Cephalo-pelvicDisproportion.
Conclusions: Repeat C.S. and Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) are the mostcommon indications of elective caesarean section
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