Editorial Process
The manuscripts will be reviewed for possible publication with the understanding that they are being submitted to one journal at a time and have not been published, simultaneously submitted, or already accepted for publication elsewhere.
The Editors review all submitted manuscripts initially. Manuscripts with insufficient originality, serious scientific and technical flaws or lack of a significant message are rejected. All manuscripts received are duly acknowledged. Manuscripts are sent to two or more expert reviewers without revealing the identity of the contributors to the reviewers. Each manuscript is also assigned to a member of the editorial team, who based on the comments from the reviewers takes a final decision on the manuscript. The contributors will be informed about the reviewers' comments and acceptance/rejection of the manuscript.
Articles accepted would be copy edited for grammar, punctuation, print style, and format. Page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author, which has to be returned within 2-3 days. Correction received after that period may not be included.