Obs Gyne Review: Journal of Obstetric and Gynecology
<div id="journalDescription-8" class="journalDescription"> <p><em><strong>ISSN: <a href="https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/2455-5444" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2455-5444 (Online)</a>, <a href="https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/2581-4389" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2581-4389 (Print)</a></strong></em></p> <p><em><strong>RNI: MPENG/2017/74037</strong></em></p> </div>Siddharth Health Research and Social Welfare Societyen-USObs Gyne Review: Journal of Obstetric and Gynecology2581-4389Comparative Study Between Normal Pregnancy Outcome with Pregnancy with Diabetes Mellitus in Rangpur Medical College & Hospital, Rangpur, Bangladesh
<p><strong>Background:</strong> Diabetes mellitus is one of the common medical diseases with pregnancy. Increasing maternal age, overweight, life style change and family history of diabetes are all risk factor for diabetes mellitus. <strong>Objectives: </strong>To evaluate the foeto-maternal outcome in pregnancy and to compare with the patients having no DM/GDM and any medical disease. <strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> This is a cross sectional descriptive study which includes both the booked case having pregestational diabetes or newly diagnosed GDM cases admitted directly through the emergency or OPD with or without labour pain. <strong>Study period:</strong> From February 2015 to August 2015. <strong>Results:</strong> During the study period total 5075 obstetrics patients were admitted out of them 32(0.63%) were diabetes mellitus with pregnancy. Both age & parity matched study were done between diabetic & control group. Among them 12 (40%) had pregestational diabetes mellitus and 18(53.33%) above the age of 30 years, majority were multipara 15(50%) patients were with the gestatinal age of 38-40 weeks. Majority patients of diabetic group 18(60%) belongs to average socioeconomic status where as in control group 7(23.33%). 11(36.67%) patients diabetic group were secondarily educated in comparison to 06(20%) in control group those are statistically highly significant (p=0.008). Regarding BMI 40% were overweight in diabetic group compare to 16.67% control group that is statistically significant as a whole (p=0.007). There was no significant difference in the rates of foetal birth asphyxia but macrosomic baby in diabetic group in 7.4% caessarean section were 27(90%) in diabetic group compare to 09(30%) in control group that is statistically highly significant (p=0.000). Successful vaginal delivery had done in 10% patients in diabetic group under supervision. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> In our country DM is not uncommon and it is often associated with higher incidence of maternal and perinatal mortality due to lack of proper antenatat, intranatat and emergency obstetric care.</p>Mst Ahsana AkterNasrin SultanaSakila PatuaryUmmae Tania NasrinAfroza SultanaMost. Arifa Begum
Copyright (c) 2024 Author (s). Published by Siddharth Health Research and Social Welfare Society
2024-09-302024-09-3010118Evaluation of Pregnancy Outcome in Severe Preeclampsia
<p><strong>Background: </strong>Hypertensive disorder represent the most common medical complication of pregnancy affecting between 7 to 15 percent of all gestation and account for approximately a quarter of all antenatal admission. In Bangladesh the incidence of this killer disease is still high and it is third major cause of maternal death in our country. <strong>Objective:</strong> To evaluate pregnancy outcome in severe preeclampsia. <strong>Study design:</strong> Observational cross sectional study. <strong>Place of study:</strong> In Obstetrics & Gynaecology ward of BSMMU, Dhaka. Period of study: March, 2015 to August, 2015. <strong>Sample size:</strong> 30 patients were selected by purposive sampling. <strong>Methods:</strong> The data were collected by the active participation of the patients' interview by the preformed proforma of data collection sheet and then data were gathered, decorated, tabulated after data cleaning and edition. Then the results were found and they were tested by the student's unpaired t test (quantitative data) and chi-square test (qualitative data) to see their level of significance i,e p-value which was set as the cut off level at <0.05. So if p-value is >0.05 the results are no significant.<strong>Results:</strong> The mean age of 30 mothers were 27.65 (± 5.85) years. The maximum 19 (63.33%) patients were from 20-34 years age group. Among the 30 mothers with severe preeclampsia, 12(40%) were primiparous and rest 18 (60%) were multiparous. To ensure safe delivery 14(46.67%) mothers adopted LSCS whereas 10(33.33%) adopted vaginal delivery with episiotomy. The rest 6 (20%) underwent VD. Regular ANC ensured only 6 (20%) respondents whereas rest 80% replied that they were either irregular ANC or no ANC. The most common complications mothers faced was abruptio placenta (28.57%) followed by convulsion (14.28%) and HELLP syndrome (9.52%). Amo. Neonatal mortality was found in 4 cases out of 30. 60% neonate experienced low birth weight. 45% babies required neonatal ward admission whereas 62% required resuscitation. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> In conclusion, it may be assumed that though various fetal and maternal morbidities may occur in case of severe preeclampsia but mortality is seen only in case of neonates. Maternal mortality has been almost disappeared in our perspective in case of severe pre-eclampsia.</p>Salma SultanaMd. Abu Baker SiddiqueSmrity HoqueShihab Mahmud Shahriar Khadiza Karim
Copyright (c) 2024 Author (s). Published by Siddharth Health Research and Social Welfare Society
2024-09-302024-09-30101915Placenta Previa in Scarred and Nonscarred Uterus and Its Effect on Maternal Fetal Outcome
<p><strong>Introduction: </strong>Placenta, the life support system of foetus, when implants in lower uterine segment affects fetomaternal outcome adversely. Placenta previa when diagnosed in 2<sup>nd</sup> or 3<sup>rd</sup> trimester is associated with series of complications. Placenta previa is a major cause of vaginal bleeding in late 2<sup>nd</sup> and 3<sup>rd</sup> trimester.</p> <p><strong>Objective:</strong> To compare feto-maternal outcomes in cases of placenta previa occurring in scarred versus non-scarred uteri.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> This study was prospective observational study, conducted in department of fetomaternal Medicine, BSMMU from January 2023 to June 2024. 60 casesanalyzing of placenta previa managed at a tertiary care center. Patients were categorized into two groups: scarred uterus (n=46) and non-scarred uterus (n=14). Maternal outcomes including hemorrhage, hysterectomy rates, and perioperative complications were compared. Fetal outcomes such as gestational age at delivery, birth weight, and NICU admission rates were also evaluated.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Women with scarred uteri had significantly higher estimated blood loss (1850 ± 950 mL vs 1200 ± 650 mL, p=0.012), increased need for blood transfusion (76.1% vs 42.9%, p=0.021), and higher rates of peripartum hysterectomy (39.1% vs 7.1%, p=0.025) compared to those with non-scarred uteri. Placenta accreta spectrum disorders were more common in the scarred uterus group (37.0% vs 7.1%, p=0.038). After adjusting for confounding factors, having a scarred uterus remained an independent risk factor for peripartum hysterectomy (aOR 6.2, 95% CI 1.8-21.5, p=0.004) and for requiring blood transfusion (aOR 3.8, 95% CI 1.2-12.1, p=0.023). Fetal outcomes showed a trend towards being poorer in the scarred uterus group, but these differences did not reach statistical significance.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Placenta previa in the context of a scarred uterus is associated with significantly worse maternal outcomes, particularly in terms of hemorrhage, transfusion requirements, and hysterectomy rates. These findings highlight the importance of strategies to reduce primary cesarean section rates and emphasize the need for specialized care in managing pregnancies complicated by placenta previa in women with previous cesarean deliveries.</p>Fatima WahidUmme KulsumNilufar IslamNahreen AkhtarTabassum ParveenSyeda Sayeeda
Copyright (c) 2024 Author (s). Published by Siddharth Health Research and Social Welfare Society
2024-11-072024-11-071011624Comparative Study Between Tab. Labetalol and Methyldopa In Treatment Of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
<p><strong>Background:</strong> Pregnancy induced hypertension is one of the most significant health problem in pregnancy. This is the 2<sup>nd</sup> most common obstetrics cause of maternal death in Bangladesh. It is the leading cause of infant morbidity and mortality. <strong>Objective:</strong> To compare the efficacy of two drugs, labetalol and methyldopa as an antihypertensive to control of blood pressure.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> A randomized controlled trial carried among 100 pregnant women pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) attending Obstetrics & Gynaecology Department Dhaka Medical College & Hospital during the period of November 2010 to April 2011. 50 patients treated with tab. Labetalol (Group A) and 50 treated with tab. Methyldopa (Group B). <strong>Results:</strong> Finding of the study showed mean age, gestational age and occupation did no differ significantly variation between Labetalol (group A) and Methyldopa (group B). Among 36% had gestational HTN, 62% had preeclampsia and 2% had eclampsia in group A. On the other hand in group B 32% had gestational HTN, 64% had preeclampsia and 4% had eclampsia. Among 23 patients in group A (46%) went in normal whereas (32%) went in normal vaginal delivery in group B. Maternal morbidity was more in group B than group A. The most common morbidity were pulmonary oedema (6%) in group A and 14% had pulmonary oedema in group B. At the time of discharge, in group A 85.41% patients had normal blood pressure and 95.83% patients had no protenuria. Whereas in group B 80.43% had normal blood pressure and 91.30% had no proteinuria. Incidence of still birth was more in methyldopa group (group B). Low birth weight was lower with labetalol group (group A).</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> It concluded that labetalol is more advantageous than methyldopa in terms of better and quicker control of blood pressure. The chances of normal vaginal delivery were greater in the labetalol group than in the methyldopa group.</p>Afroza SultanaTashrin BegumMd Abu Bakar Siddique Ahsana AkterSakila PatuaryUmmae tania Nasrin
Copyright (c) 2024 Author (s). Published by Siddharth Health Research and Social Welfare Society
2024-11-072024-11-071012531Study Of Fetomaternal Outcome In Cases Of Placenta Previa At Tertiary Care Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh
<p><strong>Background:</strong> Placenta previa remains a significant obstetric challenge associated with substantial maternal and fetal morbidity. The increasing incidence of placenta previa and its associated complications, particularly in the context of rising cesarean section rates, necessitates ongoing evaluation of management strategies and outcomes.</p> <p><strong>Objective:</strong> To assess the fetomaternal outcomes in cases of placenta previa managed at a tertiary care hospital and to identify risk factors associated with adverse outcomes.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong>This retrospective observational study analyzed 60 cases of placenta previa managed at FetomaternalMedicine Dept., BSMMU, Dhaka, Bangladesh between June 2023 to June 2024.Data on maternal characteristics, obstetric factors, management strategies, and fetomaternal outcomes were collected from medical records. Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics and multivariate logistic regression to identify risk factors for adverse outcomes.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The mean maternal age was 29.2 ± 4.3 years, with 75% of patients having a history of previous cesarean sections. Placenta previa was diagnosed in 76.7% of cases, andlow lying placenta were present in 23.3%. Peripartum hysterectomy was performed in 41.7% of cases. The preterm delivery rate was 70%, with a mean gestational age at delivery of 35.6 ± 2.8 weeks. Neonatal intensive care unit admission was required for 36.7% of newborns, and the perinatal mortality rate was 3.3%. Multivariate analysis identified previous cesarean sections (≥2) (adjusted OR 3.8, 95% CI 1.7-8.5) and placenta accreta spectrum disorders (adjusted OR 12.5, 95% CI 4.2-37.1) as significant risk factors for peripartum hysterectomy.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> This study highlights the significant maternal and fetal morbidity associated with placenta previa, particularly in cases with previous cesarean sections and placenta accreta spectrum disorders. The findings underscore the importance of early diagnosis, multidisciplinary management, and the need for specialized care in tertiary centers for high-risk pregnancies. Strategies to reduce primary cesarean section rates and careful counseling for women with a history of cesarean delivery are crucial in addressing this growing obstetric challenge.</p>Umme KulsumNahreem AktharTabassum ParveenKhondoker QumruzzamanFatima WahidNilufar IslamZakia BegumSyeda Ummay Kulsum
Copyright (c) 2024 Author (s). Published by Siddharth Health Research and Social Welfare Society
2024-11-082024-11-081013239The Obstetric Risk and Neonatal Consequences of Adolescent Pregnancy
<p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Adolescent pregnancy is a worldwide problem bearing serious social and medical implications relating to maternal and child health. Adolescent pregnancy is a complex and frustrating problem of both developed and developing countries. <strong>Methods</strong>: A Cross-sectional observational study was carried out in the Department of Department of obstetrics and gynecology; Dhaka medical college & hospital, Dhaka, a tertiary level of hospital of Bangladesh from 1<sup>st</sup> July 2015 – 31<sup>st</sup> December 2015. 50 patients presented with adolescent pregnancy (Primigravida without medical complications) diagnosed on clinical, biochemical, investigational background were enrolled in the study, fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria.<strong> Results</strong>; It revealed that the maximum number of teenage patients 44(88%) were between the age group of 17 to 19 years. The present study showed that majority of teenage mothers were Muslim 43(86%). Most of the teenage mothers were housewives 42(84%), then garments worker 4(8%), then day labourer 2(4%), maid servants 1(2%), student 1(2%). Study also showed that 68% of teenage mothers belong to the monthly income group below TK. 3000; in other words most of the teenage mothers had come from a low socioeconomic class. Clinical examination findings showed 25(50%) of teenage mothers were anaemic, 10(20%) had oedema, 8(16%) were hypertensive. Among the antepartum and intrapartum complication, current study shows maximum number of patients 25(50%) were affected with anemia and 17(34%) teenage mother developed no complication. Current study also showed that APGAR score of the baby at first minute 27(54%) were greater than 7 and 23(46%) were less than 7. Maximum number of babies 29(58%) were between 2-2.5 kg, 14(28%) were very low birth weight and only 7(14%) of baby birth weight greater than 2.5 kg. Study showed 14(28%) of the babies developed birth asphyxia, 8(16%) had prematurity, 2(4%) had jaundice. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> We observed low birth weight is a key predictor for fetal complication and child mortality. It may be due to babies born to adolescent mothers are likely to be premature, and hence, the incidence of low birth weight is higher in them.</p>Silvia RahmanNusrat JahanFarhana Haque ChoudhuryMd. Mehedi Hasan
Copyright (c) 2024 Author (s). Published by Siddharth Health Research and Social Welfare Society
2024-11-272024-11-271014048Comparison of Maternal and Perinatal Outcome Of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus With And Without Preeclampsia Patient
<p><strong>Background:</strong> Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and preeclampsia share many risk factors, e.g., gestational weight gain. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and preeclampsia are two dangerous pregnancy complications and their coexistence further increases adverse maternal and perinatal outcome.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> It was a cross sectional analytical study. Patients were divided into 2 groups: group I (n=75) included GDM with preeclampsia and group II (n=75) include GDM without preeclampsia. Data was collected by history taking, examinations and required investigations and recorded in a predesigned data collection instrument. and assured that the information and records would be kept confidential. Data were processed and analyzed using computer software SPSS version 22.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Majority, 66.7% among the respondents of group I did not have anemia, 30.7% had mild and only 2.7% had moderate anemia. 86.7% among the respondents of group II did not have anemia, 12.0% had mild and only 1.3% had moderate anemia which was statistically significant (p<0.05). Mean BMI in both group I (31.87± 5.93) and II (31.16 ± 4.72) was not statistically significant (p≥0.05). All (100.0%) among group I and in group II most of the respondents, 90.7% had LUCS and none of group I, only 9.3% in group II had NVD both were statistically significant (p=.013). A non-significant difference was observed in regards of maternal outcome where in group I, had 16.0% oligohydramnios, 4.2% polyhydramnios and 1.3%, PPH, in group II had 12%, oligohydramnios, 4.2% polyhydramnios and none of PPH. In group I majority, 64.0% had preterm delivery and in group II, 41.3% had preterm delivery which was statistically significant. In group I, 5.3% and none of group II had IUD which was statistically significant (p<0.05) A nonsignificantdifference was observed in regards of asphyxia where in group I asphyxia of baby was higher (10.7%) than that of group II, 4.0%.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Preeclampsia is one of the leading causes of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality world-wide. In GDM with preeclampsia LUCS, preterm delivery and IUD were higher in comparison of patients in GDM without preeclampsia.</p>Nurjahan BegumSamsad Jahan ShellyAbdul KarimSabiha SultanJoya BiswasMorsheda FerdousNahida Islam
Copyright (c) 2024 Author (s). Published by Siddharth Health Research and Social Welfare Society
2024-12-312024-12-311014957Colposcopic Findings of Cervix in VIA Positive Cases in Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College Hospital, Sylhet, Bangladesh
<p><strong>Background: </strong>Cervical cancer is a preventable disease as the different screening, diagnostic, and therapeutic procedures are effective. The screening procedures, VIA and Colposcopy are important screening tools in the evaluation of cervical pre-malignant conditions. <strong>Materials and Methods: In </strong>this cross-sectional observational study two hundred fifty VIA positive women were included. Pregnant women and women who had any operative procedure in the cervix were excluded. VIA positive patient was subjected to colposcopy and cervix was visualized for aceto-white lesion under magnification. Finding of colposcopy was recorded and interpreted using Swede Score.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>The age of the VIA positive patients 38.02 ± 10.41 (ranged 22 – 68) years with majority (88.4%) patients were in the age group of 22-50 years. Three-quarter of the women were multiparity. Colposcopic diagnosis was carcinoma in situ I (CINI) in 143 (57.2%) patients, CIN II in 37 (19.2%) patients CIN III in 26 (10.4%) patients, invasive cervical carcinoma in 17 (6.8%) patients and normal finding in 27 (10.8%) cases. Histpathologically 69 (27.6%) patients had carcinoma in situ (CIN) I, 49 (19.6%) patients had CIN II, 26 (10.4%) patients had CIN III, 45 (18.0%) patients had chronic cervicitis, 17 (6.8%) patients had endocervical polyp, 17 (6.8%) patients had invasive cervical carcinoma and biopsy was not done in 27 (10.8%) patients. All colposcopy positive CIN 2 (n=37), CIN 3 (n=26) and invasive carcinoma (n=17) were histopathologically proven CIN 2, CIN 3 and invasive carcinoma respectively. While 143 colposcopy positive CIN 1 cases were histopathologically CIN 1 (48.3%), CIN 2 (8.4%), chronic cervicitis (31.5%), and endocervical polyp (11.9%). Colposcopy correctly diagnosed CIN 2, CIN 3 and invasive carcinoma cervix but about half (52.3%) of the cases of CIN 1 compared to histopathology with overall accuracy of colposcopy was 71.7%. </p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> This study revealed that colposcopy correctly diagnosed CIN 2, CIN 3 and invasive carcinoma cervix but about half of the cases of CIN 1 compared to histopathology with overall accuracy of colposcopy was 71.7%. So, colposcopy has a tremendous role in the evaluation of CIN and cervical carcinoma in VIA positive women.</p>Anika BushraAfroja KhanamUmme Salma DinaTasmia AkterSyeda Najiba HossainNusrat ZahanTanmina Minkin
Copyright (c) 2024 Author (s). Published by Siddharth Health Research and Social Welfare Society
2024-12-312024-12-311015865Abnormal Uterine bleeding- Its Causes and Management in Women with Reproductive Age
<p><strong>Introduction:</strong>Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is a common reason for gynecological consultation in women with reproductive age. It is defined as bleeding from uterine corpus that is abnormal in regularity, volume, frequency or duration and occurs in absence of pregnancy.It makes the patient uncomfortable and hampers social, familial and religious life.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> The present study was done to evaluate the cause and management of abnormal uterine bleeding in women with reproductive age. It was a cross sectional observational study which was carried out among 100 women of reproductive age admitted in the Obstetrics and Gynecology department of Cumilla Medical College Hospital. Study duration was 6 months, from January 2022 to July 2022. Patients were properly explained about the study and informed consent was taken. Analysis of these women is done by recording age parity, menstrual symptoms and treatment options. All specimens were sent for histopathology. Etiology, clinical presentation, histopathological findings and USG reports were correlated.AUB was classified according to PALM-COEIN classification. Data was collected in an organized data collection sheet. Standard statistical analysis was performed with the SPSS software package and the results were presented in the form of table, graphs, and diagrams.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> In this study most of the patients revealed common age group 31-40 years(50%) and most of them (64%) were belong to average economic conditions. 76% patient were multiparous. Heavy menstrual bleeding were common presentation (48%).8% patients were treated medically. Different operations done among them total abdominal hysterectomy done in 60% cases, no descent vaginal hysterectomy done in 12% cases, diagnostic dilatation and curettage done in 10% cases. As per PALM-COEIN classification AUB (L) was common type and most of the patients belong to PALM group (84%)</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> A systematic approach to diagnosis, investigation and a step wise approach to intervention is necessary. Treatment commencing with medical therapeutic modalities followed by surgical modalities is the ultimate goal of all therapeutic intervention.</p>Afroja KhanamAnika BushraSyeda Najiba ` HossainTasmia AkterNusrat ZahanUmme Salma DinaTanmina Minkin
Copyright (c) 2025 Author (s). Published by Siddharth Health Research and Social Welfare Society