Vaginal bleeding outcome in the third trimester of pregnancy
Background and Aim: Maternal mortality form APH has reduced considerably in the last three decades due to improvements in obstetric care and blood transfusion services. Hence the purpose of the study was to study fetal and maternal outcomes in cases of third trimester vaginal bleeding.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted at the Institute of Medical Sciences. During this study period, 450 cases had an antepartum hemorrhage. All patients who came with a history of bleeding per vagina after 28 weeks of gestation were hospitalized. Cases with bleeding per vagina after 28 weeks of gestation were included in the study.
Results: Out of total cases of the abrupt placenta, 12 percent cases were managed expectantly,8 cases delivered within 6 days and 6 cases reached term and delivered vaginally and 89 (88 percent) cases were managed actively.
Conclusion: At the level of a tertiary center, early recognition cause of APH, aggressive expectant management and termination of pregnancy after recording lung maturity, decrease in unnecessary C/S, good neonatal intensive care unit, active management of ideal cases will help in the improved outcome of maternal and perinatal outcome in antepartum hemorrhage.
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