In abdominal myomectomy: the role of legating uterine arteries bilaterally before performing myomectomy (bual- bilateral uterine artery ligation).
Aims and Objectives: To determine the impact, efficacy, benefits of such low cost safe technological option (BUAL) in areas where high level surgical interventions are restricted.
Methods and Materials: The total sixty six (66)cases have been selected on random basis of which thirty three (33)cases allocated in group A (n=33) (cases) were operated by this method (BUAL)and others in group B (n=33)(controls) were operated by other methods (Bonney’s clamp ,tourniquet or vasopressin).
Results and Analysis: The results of individual group have been analyzed in the form of primary outcome and secondary outcome. There are statistically significant less blood loss, less transfusion, less operation time with good post-operative recovery and satisfaction by low cost in Gr-A(Cases) compare to Gr-B (Controls).
Conclusion: The bilateral uterine artery ligation should be ligated before starting myomectomy not only open but also laparoscopic method to minimize complications.
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