Maternal and perinatal outcome in pregnancy beyond expected date of delivery
Aim: To assess the maternal and perinatal outcome in pregnancy beyond EDD up to 42 weeks and to assess incidence of intervention, instrumental or operative delivery. Instrumentation intervention or operative intervention. Methods. The study consisting of 100 cases of pregnancy between 40-41 weeks and 100 cases of pregnancy 41-42 weeks of gestation design as a group I and group II. Results It was seen that 20% of the cases and 08% of cases underwent spontaneous labour in group I & II, 16% & 20% cases underwent induced labour type of labour significantly associated with gestation age. 64% of the cases underwent LSCS compare to the 78% of the cases underwent LSCS in group II. MSL present 17% and 22% in group I and group II respectively. MAS present in 17.64% and 31.87% in group I and group II respectively. Birth asphyxia present 5.88% and 9.09% in group I and group II respectively. Fetal distress 6% and 7% group I and group II respectively. NICU admission 17.64% and 13.8% in group I and group II respectively. Birth weight more than 2.5kg in 32 cases and 65 cases in group I & II. Prolonged pregnancy associated with primigravida 60% in group I and 56% in group II. Macrosomia found 5% in group I and 13% in group II.
Conclusion: Reduction in perinatal mortality is seen when caesarean section is done between 41 weeks and 42 weeks. Perinatal morbidity has also been noted to be higher in post term pregnancies including meconium and meconium aspiration syndrome.
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