Study on anthropometric profile of male partners of infertile couples
Background: Prevalence of obesity and overweight has risen substantially in the past three decades with India ranking third in the number of obese people after USA and china. There was document that the decline in semen quality and male reproductive potential over the past half century may be the result of increasing incidence of obesity. Therefore, present study was made attempt to determine anthropometric profile of male partners of infertile couples.
Method: This cross-sectional study consisted of 140 male partners of infertile couples aged 18yrs-50yrs, who came to GSL-fertility center, Rajahmundry from 2015 to 2017. Consent was taken from each participant. Ethical reviews and assessments were processed and approved by GSL medical institutional ethical board committee. Data related to individual identification were removed, ensuring the annoying of each individual during the entire study process. With history of mumps, smoking, STDs, prior vasectomy and those taking exogenous hormones were excluded from the study.
Result: In the present study sperm concentration more in overweight group, increased concentration with waist circumference and waist-height ratio, inverse relation seen only with waist-hip ratio. Progressive sperm motility showed an inverse relation with BMI, WC, WHR &WHtR. Slow or non-progressive motility increased with BMI,WC,WHR, also with WHtR with a statistically significant relation. No significant association between anthropometric parameters and sperm morphology.
Conclusion: The present study shows no correlation between anthropometry and semen parameters. More studies are needed in this area to clarify the role of body weight and fat distribution on semen quality.
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