Study of maternal and perinatal outcome in referred obstetric cases
Objective- to review the referred obstetric cases for reason of referral and to study the maternal and perinatal outcome.
Design- Prospective study.
Study period- May 2017 to June 2018.
Study population-All obstetric cases referred to the department of obstetrics and gynaecology of Adichuchanagiri Hospital, B G Nagara during the study period.
Results- In the present study, maximum number of patients (62.96%) were in the 20- 30 years of age group. Majority of the referral cases were primigravida 65 (48.1%). Out of 135 referred cases, 106 (78.51%) delivered 18(13.3%) were treated conservatively. In 11 patients (8.1%) either abortion occurred or medical termination of pregnancy was done or there was ectopic pregnancy or tears. Out of the 106 cases who delivered at our institute majority of the babies were delivered 65(61.3%) delivered normally, while 41 (38.67%) underwent caesarean section. There were 25 NICU admissions and 81 were healthy babies. Reasons for admission were varied. In the present study, premature rupture of membranes was the most common cause of referral. This is followed by pre-eclampsia and related conditions, and preterm labour being the next common cause.
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