To study the efficacy and safety of Drotaverine hydrochloride in augmentation of labour

  • Dr. Rajesh Tile Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, ESIC Medical College, Gulbarga, Karnataka, India
  • Dr. Supriya Jamkhandi Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, ESIC Medical College, Gulbarga, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Augmentation of labor, Cervical dilatation, Drotaverine


Background: Labor is a complex physiological process characterized by painful uterine contractions which bring about the delivery of fetus. Augmentation of labour is common clinical practice and various methods both pharmacological and non -pharmacological are available for the same.

Aims: To assess the efficacy and safety of drotaverine hydrochloride for augmentation of labor.

Materials and Methods: A total of 200 patients in active labor were included in the study after fulfilling the inclusion criteria. The patients were divided into 2 groups by simple randomization method. After a detailed history and examination Group A women received inj. Drotaverine intramuscularly every 2hours for a maximum of three doses. Group B women did not receive injection and served as the control group.

Results: Our study showed a significant reduction in the duration of active phase of first (I) stage of labor (Group A-164mins and Group B- 296mins), with significant improvement in the rate of cervical dilatation (Group A- 2.5cm/hr and Group B- 1.38cm/hr). There were no reports of any serious adverse effects in both mother and the fetus. The most common side effects seen were nausea, vomiting (2%) and headache (1%).

Conclusion: Thus, drotaverine can be safely used as a potent agent for augmentation of labor without any adverse effects on mother and the fetus.


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To study the efficacy and safety of Drotaverine hydrochloride in augmentation of labour
DOI: 10.17511/joog.2019.i01.14
Published: 2019-03-31
How to Cite
Tile, R., & Jamkhandi, S. (2019). To study the efficacy and safety of Drotaverine hydrochloride in augmentation of labour. Obs Gyne Review: Journal of Obstetric and Gynecology, 5(1), 77-82.
Original Article