Prevalence and analysis of abnormal Pap smear: Prospective study of 752 patients in a tertiary care hospital of South India
Background: Cancer of the cervix is the third most common cancer in women. In India and other developing countries cervical cancer is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Cancer cervix is readily preventable, and can be diagnosed at the pre-invasive stage with adequate and repetitive cytological screening with Papanicolaou (Pap) smears. Most women never undergo a cervical Pap smear screening. The objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of abnormal cervical epithelial lesions.
Materials and Methods- This was a prospective study of 752 conventional cervical Pap smears reported from the Department of Pathology and gyaenecology, KIMS Medical College Narketpally. The time period was from Jan 2018 to June 2018. The abnormal Pap smears were assessed according to the Bethesda system 2001.
Results: A total of 752 Pap smears were collected from patients aging 18 to 74 years old. The cervical smears were classified according to the Bethesda system: 377 (50.13%) were negative, 313 (41.62%) were benign cellular changes and 19 (2.52%) were abnormal (squamous intraepithelial lesion) (SIL), 43 (5.71%) were inadequate. Amongst the abnormal smear, percentage of ASCUS (36.8%) (7 out of 19 smears), LSIL (52.6%) (10 out of 19 smears) were more common and incidence of the cervical cancer among these samples was (0.13%) (1 out of 752).
Conclusion: Preinvasive and malignant lesions of cervix can be easily picked up with simple pap smear test. The Epithelial cell abnormality was found in 2.52% in our set up.
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