Heme iron polypeptide in treatment of anemia inpregnancy
Introduction: Treatment of iron deficiency anemia with non-heme iron salts still remains a challenge. The negative influence of various dietary elements and medications slows the absorption of iron from iron salts which makes it less bio-available, the side effects associated with iron salts, results in poor compliance. But Heme Iron Polypeptide claims to overcome the short comings of the non – heme oral iron.
Materials and Methods: This prospective clinical study was done on patients of SSG Hospital, Baroda; 100 mild to moderate anemia pregnant patients between 16 to 28 weeks were included. The primary outcome of interest was mean maternal hemoglobin and serum ferritin levels at the end of treatment. Secondary outcomes were treatment related side effects and compliance.
Results: There was significant rise in hemoglobin [mean difference (MD), 1.05841; p< 0.001] and serum ferritin [mean difference (MD) 7.3715, p, 0.001]. No side effects and good compliance with Heme Iron Polypeptide.
Conclusion: Heme Iron Polypeptide is promising supplementary treatment for iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy as there was significant rise in hemoglobin and other iron indices which are comparable to oral iron salts. Heme Iron Polypeptide is a better source of iron for iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy, as it has less side effects especially gastrointestinal side effects, because of which it has better compliance.
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