HIV/AIDS awareness in newly married females coming in OPD of a Medical College Hospital
Objective: To assess the awareness of HIV/AIDS in newly married females coming in Gynaecology OPD of a Medical College Hospital and to devise strategies for future programmes.
Methodology: 11 villages and urban population around our hospital were taken for study. Newly married females coming in Gynaecology OPD for various complaints were surveyed. The females were asked to fill a pre-designed Performa, which included multiple choice questions.
Results: In our study 489 patients were assessed. 65.4% women had knowledge about disease, 57.5% knew about complications of disease, 59.9% had knowledge about prevention of disease, 66.8% were aware about treatment of disease, 48.5% had knowledge about etiology of disease and 39.1% were aware about medico legal aspect of disease.
Conclusion: The study showed tremendous lacunae in awareness of HIV/AIDS. There is a need for evolving information, education, and communication strategies to focus on raising awareness on RH and gender related issues. A sociocultural research is needed to find the right kind of sexual health services for these young girls.
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