Correlation of cardiotocography results and perinatal outcome in gestational hypertension
Background: Early recognition of foetal distress in labour is the primary concern for the obstetrician to avoid adverse perinatal outcome. cardiotocograph is a simple non-invasive test that can serve as a screening tool in assessing foetuses of high risk obstetric patients. Use of electronic FHR monitoring during labour can detect hypoxia timely & unnecessary delay in intervention can be avoided.
Methods: Study was conducted at NSCB MCH Jabalpur, Department of obstetrics & Gynaecology. Total 200 patients selected who were admitted for hypertensive disorder & were included in the study. NST was used for fetal surveillance from 32 weeks of gestation weekly, biweekly, alternate day & daily basis depending on the severity of gestation. patients were followed till delivery & maternal & foetal outcome recorded & correlated with CTG findings.
Result: Out of 200 patients 107 delivered by LSCS & most of these cases had non-reactive NST 70/107& 93 delivered by Vaginal route & most of them have reactive NST 71/93.In non-reactive NST group newborns APGAR score at 5 minute<7 in 40/92 cases while in reactive NST group it was in 30/102 cases. Total 70 new-born admitted in NICU out of which 63 were from nonreactive group & 7 were from reactive group.
Conclusion: CTG can serve as a screening tool in high risk obstetric pregnancy, particularly in preeclampsia where decrease utero-placental circulation cause considerable fetalcompromise. It helps to detect fetal distress already present or likely to develop during labour.
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