The Obstetric Risk and Neonatal Consequences of Adolescent Pregnancy
Introduction: Adolescent pregnancy is a worldwide problem bearing serious social and medical implications relating to maternal and child health. Adolescent pregnancy is a complex and frustrating problem of both developed and developing countries. Methods: A Cross-sectional observational study was carried out in the Department of Department of obstetrics and gynecology; Dhaka medical college & hospital, Dhaka, a tertiary level of hospital of Bangladesh from 1st July 2015 – 31st December 2015. 50 patients presented with adolescent pregnancy (Primigravida without medical complications) diagnosed on clinical, biochemical, investigational background were enrolled in the study, fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results; It revealed that the maximum number of teenage patients 44(88%) were between the age group of 17 to 19 years. The present study showed that majority of teenage mothers were Muslim 43(86%). Most of the teenage mothers were housewives 42(84%), then garments worker 4(8%), then day labourer 2(4%), maid servants 1(2%), student 1(2%). Study also showed that 68% of teenage mothers belong to the monthly income group below TK. 3000; in other words most of the teenage mothers had come from a low socioeconomic class. Clinical examination findings showed 25(50%) of teenage mothers were anaemic, 10(20%) had oedema, 8(16%) were hypertensive. Among the antepartum and intrapartum complication, current study shows maximum number of patients 25(50%) were affected with anemia and 17(34%) teenage mother developed no complication. Current study also showed that APGAR score of the baby at first minute 27(54%) were greater than 7 and 23(46%) were less than 7. Maximum number of babies 29(58%) were between 2-2.5 kg, 14(28%) were very low birth weight and only 7(14%) of baby birth weight greater than 2.5 kg. Study showed 14(28%) of the babies developed birth asphyxia, 8(16%) had prematurity, 2(4%) had jaundice. Conclusion: We observed low birth weight is a key predictor for fetal complication and child mortality. It may be due to babies born to adolescent mothers are likely to be premature, and hence, the incidence of low birth weight is higher in them.
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