Prospective study of utility of Placental Laterality and Uterine Artery Doppler abnormalities as a Predictor for Development of Preeclampsia
Introduction: According to WHO’s systemic review on maternal mortality worldwide, thehypertensive disease remains a leading cause of direct maternal mortality. Hypertension,hemorrhage and infections form the deadly triad for morbidity and mortality during pregnancy andchildbirth. Effective prediction of preeclampsia remains a mainstay in the field of modern obstetrics;location of placental implantation can therefore be used as a predictor for the prevention ofpreeclampsia.
Objectives: The current study was conducted to find out whether placental lateralityand uterine artery doppler findings can be used as a predictor for the development of preeclampsia.
Methods: A prospective study was carried out in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology atKrishna institute of medical sciences karad for 18 months. ANC patients meeting the inclusioncriteria were examined at 18-24 weeks of gestation, concerning the location of the placenta.
Results: In the present study it was seen that of the total cases with lateral placenta, 23 patientsdeveloped Doppler changes and those when followed up were seen to develop the hypertensivedisorder. While 44 patients had normal Doppler parameters, of which only 19 patients developed ahypertensive disorder during pregnancy. It was therefore observed that there was a significantassociation between Doppler changes and severity of preeclampsia.
Conclusions: Essentialpreventive measures and monitoring the patients with the lateral placenta can be useful in reducingthe complications associated with hypertensive disorders and thereby reducing maternal andperinatal morbidity and mortality.
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