A clinical study of ovarian tumors and assessment of risk of malignancy by RMI and correlation with histopathological examination
Introduction: Ovarian tumors (OTs) are one of the major gynaecological diseases. Risk of Malignancy Index (RMI) score is used to evaluate the OTs. A study was considered to correlate the clinical study of OTs and assessment of RMI scoring.
Materials and methods: It was a prospective study conducted in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Mamata Medical College, Khammam. Women aged > 18 years, diagnosed with OTs >6cm in size were included. Women with unilateral, unilocular, thin-walled cysts with regular borders and <6cms were not considered. Menopausal (M) score was assigned by considering the age and menstrual history. USG abdomen and pelvis with 3.5 HZ abdominal convex transducers was carried along with radiologist support to determine the tumour size. USG score was given accordingly depending upon the number of variables that were present. Histopathological diagnosis was considered as the standard for determining the diagnostic value of the RMI index. The Chi-square test was considered for categorical data. P>0.005 was taken as statistically significant.
Results: OTs were more common between the 21 – 50 years group. The OTs were more commonly seen in parous women with para 2, para 3 and the above groups. Epithelial tumors were the highest (88.57%). The incidence of MTs was increased with the ultrasound score.
Conclusion: Tumors occur in all age groups in multiparous women and major cases in 31 – 40 years. The RMI scoring was better in diagnosing the OTs and histopathological examination is still the gold standard.
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