Postoperative wound infection after obstetrics and gynaecology surgeries: A study from the tribal tertiary healthcare centre
Aims and Objectives: the study was conducted to find out the incidence of postoperative wound infection among obstetric and gynaecological surgeries in the tribal area of Rajasthan region with the objective to identify various preventable risk factors and common responsible pathogen.
Material and methods: It was a prospective study conducted in the department of Gynaecology in Government Medical College and Hospital, Dungarpur during the period of six months from August 2019 to January 2020.
Results: Out of 300 surgeries performed, 210 surgeries were obstetrics and 90 surgeries were gynaecological. The mean age of obstetrics cases was 26.89±2.5 years and of gynaecological cases was 48.22±4.8 years. Frequency of wound infection in obstetrics cases was 5.23% (11 cases) and was 11.11% (10 cases) in gynaecological surgeries with a total frequency of 7% (21 cases). Mean postoperative day of wound infection was 9.81±5.6, mean postoperative hospital stay was 8.10±5.6 days and the mean duration of surgery was 1.29±0.45 hours. Body mass index (BMI) was >25 (obese) in 61.90% of infected cases. 15 patients (10.41%) out of 144 patients who did not receive antibiotic prophylaxis, developed wound infection. On culture, Escherichia Coli (E.coli) was found to be the most common responsible pathogen (38.09%) followed by Klebsiella species and Staphylococcus aureus (19.04%).
Conclusion: Early identification of various risk factors for postoperative wound infection in obstetric and gynaecological surgeries is essential to prevent further morbidities.
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