To study the correlation of
serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels in women with preeclampsia on maternal
and perinatal outcome
K. Omkara Murthy1, B. S. Dhananjaya2,
S. Shazi3
1Dr. Omkara Murthy K., Professor, 2Dr. Dhananjaya
B. S., Professor
and Head, 3Dr. Shazi Siddiqui, Post Graduate, all authors are affiliated
with Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sri Siddhartha Medical College
Hospital and Research Center, Tumakuru, Karnataka, India.
Corresponding Author: Dr. Shazi Siddiqui, Department
of Obstetrics and Gynaeclogy, Sri Siddhartha Medical College Hospital and
Research Centre, Tumakuru, Karnataka, India. E-mail:
Introduction: Pre-eclampsia is a multi-system disorder of
unknown etiology and a major cause of maternaland perinatal complications. LDH
is an intracellular enzyme and is increased when there isincreased cell death.
As pre-eclampsia leads to cellular death, so LDH levels can beusedtoassesstheseverityofdisease.
Aim: To study the correlation of levels of serum LDH in women with
preeclampsia on maternal and perinatal outcome. Objectives: To correlate the maternal and perinatal
outcomes with serum LDH levels. To assess serum LDH as a marker for severity of
preeclampsia. Materials and Methods: A
prospective comparative studywas conducted over a period of 18 months from
November 2016 to April 2018 in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sri
Siddhartha Medical Hospital, Tumakuru. Out of 180 women studied, 100 were
normal pregnant women, 40 patients were having mild preeclampsia and 40
patients were having severe preeclampsia. The two groups and subgroups were
studied based on age, gravidity, trimester, investigations, maternal and
perinatal outcome, complications and follow up. Results: Higher values of LDH were found in mild and severe preeclamptic
women than those of normal pregnant women in third trimester and was
statistically significant. Severe lypreec lamptic patients had increased LDH
levels which in association with investigations, outcome, complications and
follow up was significant. Conclusion: LDH
is a useful biochemical marker and can be considered as a supportive prognostic
tool thatreflects the severity and complications of preeclampsia.
Identification of high-risk patients, theirclose monitoring, and correct
management may prevent these complications.
Keywords: Preeclampsia, Serum Lactate Dehydrogenase
(LDH), Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
Author Corrected: 2nd February 2019 Accepted for Publication: 6th February 2019
Hypertensive disorders complicate
5 to 10 percent of all pregnancies, although incidence varies among different
Materials and Methods
Setting: The study was conducted over a period of 18
months from November 2016 to April 2018 in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology
department, Sri Siddhartha Medical College and Hospital, Tumakuru on 180
antenatal cases attending the OPD or admitted as inpatients.
Type of Study: Prospective comparative study
Sampling method: Consecutive sampling
Sample Collection: All ANC women who had come in the study
period were taken up for the study. Blood pressure was measured and proteinuria
was checked in these women and they were grouped as-
Group 1- Healthy normotensive pregnant women (Controls)
Group 2- Patients of preeclampsia and eclampsia (Subjects).
Subjects were recruited into following subgroups: Sub group A- Mild
Preeclampsia and Sub group B- Severe Preeclampsia
Subjects would also
be divided according to the serum LDH levels into following groups
< 600 IU/l(b) 600–800 IU/l(c)> 800 IU/l
The two groups and subgroups were studied based on age, gravidity,
trimester, investigations, maternal and perinatal outcome, complications and
follow up.
All women were followed until delivery and post partum period and babies
till neonatal period.
Measurement of blood pressure: Blood pressure of the patients was measured
on right upper limb in the semi recumbent position with the arm at the heart
level with a mercury sphygmomanometer. Two-third arm was covered and the arm
cuff was above cubital crease (half inch) and the tubes were above brachial
artery. Blood pressure was measured by sphygmomanometer. Systolic blood
pressure was recognized by the appearance of tapping sounds (Korotkoff I).
Korotkoff V(disappearance of the sound) was used to determine diastolic blood
Estimation of serum Lactate Dehydrogenase: Plain blood sample was collectedfor analysis
of LDH which was done in fully automated biochemistry analyzer. Serum LDH
levels were done in the biochemistry laboratory. The method is based on the
reduction of pyruvate to lactate in the presence of NADH by the action of
lactate dehydrogenase. The pyruvate that remains unchanged
with2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone, which is determined calorimetrically in an
alkaline medium.
Inclusion criteria: All
singleton pregnancies ≥28weeks of gestation were enrolled in this study
Exclusion criteria: Preexisting diabetes mellitus, Essential
Hypertension, Renal disease, Liver disorder, Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism,
Convulsions due to any other cause, Urinary tract infection
Statistical Analysis: After data collection, data entry was done in
Excel worksheet. Data analysis was done with help of SPSS 18.0, and R
environment ver.3.2.2. Quantitative data was presented with the help of Mean,
Standard deviation, Median, Interquartile range. Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
has been used to find the significance of study parameters between three or
more groups of patients. Chi-square/Fisher Exact test has been used to find the
significance of study parameters on categorical scale between two or more
groups, non-parametric setting for Qualitative data analysis. Fisher Exact test
used when cell samples are very small.
Ethical clearance: was obtained from the institution and
informed consent was taken from patients.
Table-1: Demographic data of the three groups
Variables |
Normotensive N=100 |
Mild Preeclampsia N=40 |
Severe Preeclampsia N=40 |
Age* |
22.79±2.48 |
24.80±3.35 |
24.08±2.66 |
Education Level Illiterate |
60(60%) |
26(65%) |
23(57.5%) |
Literate |
40(40%) |
14(35%) |
17(42.5%) |
Antenatal Visits Booked |
60(60%) |
19(47.5%) |
18(45%) |
Unbooked |
40(40%) |
21(52.5%) |
22(55%) |
Parity* |
2.6±0.5 |
1.8±0.9 |
1.3±0.4 |
POG** |
38.45±2.87 |
36.54±1.54 |
34.58±2.6 |
POG- Period of Gestation
Values Are Given As Mean ±Sd
*P Value: 0.05<P<0.10 (moderately significant)
**P Value: P≤0.01 (strongly significant)
As seen in Table 1, in the present study majority of patients in the
study group were illiterates in all the three groups. Majority of normotensive
pregnant women were booked cases and majority of preeclamptic pregnant women
were unbooked cases. But observed difference was not statistically significant.
71% of the patients in normotensive group were primigravida, while 62.5% in
mild preeclampsia group were primigravida and 72.5% in severe preeclampsia
group were primigravida but difference was moderately significant. Most common
age group was 20-30 years. The three groups were compared with respect to
trimester. All the cases belonged to the third trimester. In the study majority
of the patients in the normal pregnancy group delivered after 37 completed
gestational weeks, whereas in the severe preeclamptic group, patients delivered
before 34 gestational weeks. The difference was statistically significant.
Table-2: Hemodynamics and Laboratory Data of
The Three Groups
Variables |
Normotensive N=100 |
Mild preeclampsia N=40 |
Severe preeclampsia N=40 |
Systolic BP (mmHg)** |
120.12±9.47 |
148.30±6.54 |
172.55±9.65 |
Diastolic BP (mmHg)** |
77.94±9.27 |
98.35±4.25 |
116.35±5.39 |
LDH** |
286.75±100.68 |
555.85±133.44 |
711.88±119.05 |
Urine albumin (mg)* |
0.2±0.1 |
0.3±0.2 |
1.0±0.4 |
PT* |
11.49±0.72 |
12.47±1.00 |
18.00±2.44 |
aPTT |
26.68±3.34 |
27.80±4.34 |
28.03±3.24 |
INR* |
0.89±0.08 |
0.94±0.13 |
0.98±0.15 |
Haemoglobin** |
10.18±1.33 |
8.48±1.51 |
7.42±2.20 |
Platelet count(×109 )* |
204.34.7 |
108±32.8 |
96.5±89 |
Blood urea |
27.20±3.92 |
27.53±4.06 |
31.79±4.55 |
Serum creatinine |
0.84±0.012 |
3.73±0.37 |
0.95±0.17 |
Serum uric acid* |
2.58±0.41 |
3.73±0.37 |
5.87±0.36 |
LDH – Lactate Dehydrogenase, PT- Prothrombin
Time, aPTT – Partial Prothrombin Time
Table 2 shows that the mean SBP in normotensive, mild preeclampsia and
severe preeclampsia group were 120.12±9.47, 148.30±6.54 and 172.55±9.65 respectively.
The difference was statistically significant. The mean DBP in normotensive,
mild preeclampsia and severe preeclampsia group were 77.94±9.27, 98.35±4.25 and
116.35±5.39 respectively. The difference was statistically significant. The
mean LDH levels were 286.75±100.68, 555.85±133.44 and 711.88±119.05
respectively in each group and it was statistically significant. The difference
in haemoglobin levels were statistically significant. Urine albumin,
prothrombin time, INR, platelet count and serum uric acid levels were
moderately significant.
Table-3: Pregnancy Outcome & Level of LDH
Variables |
LDH <600 IU/1 N=5 |
LDH 600-800 IU/1 N=24 |
LDH>800 IU/1 N=11 |
Mode Of Delivery NVD |
2(15.4%) |
11(84.6%) |
0(0%) |
Cesarean Section** |
3(11.1%) |
13(48.1%) |
11(40.8%) |
Birth Weight LBW* |
1(4.5%) |
11(50%) |
10(45.5%) |
Normal |
4(22.2%) |
13(72.2%) |
1(5.6%) |
NVD –Normal Vaginal Delivery, LBW – Low Birth
Majority of the patients underwent normal vaginal delivery but maximum
number of patients in severe preeclamptic group underwent lower segment
caesarean section in which majority had LDH levels >800IU/l. 45.5% of the
low birth weight babies were seen in LDH levels >800IU/l, 50% were seen in
between 600-800 IU/l and with serum LDH levels <600 IU/l only 4.5% of babies
were seen. Both were statistically significant as shown in Table 3.
Table-4: Complications of Severe Pre-Eclampsia
According & LDH level
Complications |
LDH<600IU/l N=5 |
LDH 600-800IU/1 N=24 |
LDH>800IU/1 N=11 |
Abruptio Placentae * |
0(0%) |
0(0%) |
2(18.2%) |
Post Partum Haemorrhage |
0(0%) |
0(0%) |
3(27.2%) |
Renal Failure |
0(0%) |
0(0%) |
0(0%) |
0(0%) |
0(0%) |
2(18.2%) |
0(0%) |
0(0%) |
2(18.2%) |
Cerebral Haemorrhage |
0(0%) |
0(0%) |
0(0%) |
Pulmonary Edema |
0(0%) |
0(0%) |
0(0%) |
No Other Complications |
5(100%) |
24(100%) |
2(18.2%) |
IPE – Intrapartum Eclampsia, PPE – Postpartum
Eclampsia, HELLP – Hemolysis, Elevated Liver Enzymes, Low Platelets
Maternal complications like abruptio placentae, post partumhaemorrhage,
intra partum eclampsia, post partum eclampsia and HELLP syndrome were seen in
severe pre eclamptic group with serum LDH levels >800IU/l.(Table 4)
Table-5: Neonatal Outcome According Tothe
Level of LDH
NeonatalOutcome |
LDH<600 IU/1 N=5 |
LDH 600-800 IU/1 N=24 |
LDH >800 IU/1 N=11 |
IUGR** |
3(20%) |
10(66.7%) |
2(13.3%) |
Birth Asphyxia** |
0(0%) |
0(0%) |
3(100%) |
Still Birth* |
0(0%) |
0(0%) |
3(100%) |
NICU** |
2()14.3% |
11(78.6%) |
1(7.1%) |
Neonatal Death |
0(0%) |
0(0%) |
2(100%) |
No Other Complications |
0(0%) |
3(100%) |
0(0%) |
IUGR- Intra Uterine Growth Retardation
Table-6: Association of follow up of neonates
between 3 groups
Variables |
Normotensive N=100 |
Mild Preeclampsia N=40 |
Severe Preeclampsia N=40 |
Neonatal Pathological Jaundice |
0(0%) |
3(7.5%) |
7(17.5%) |
Neonatal Sepsis |
0(0%) |
0(0%) |
6(15%) |
Neonatal complications like intra uterine
growth retardation, birth asphyxia, still birth and NICU admission were seen in
neonates who were born to preeclamptic mothers and majority of the neonatal
complications were seen in serum LDH levels >800IU/l. Neonatal pathological
jaundice was seen in neonates who were born to preeclamptic women with serum
LDH levels >600IU/l. Majority of the neonatal sepsis were seen in those
neonates who were born to severe preeclamptic women and had serum LDH levels
>800IU/l. (Table 5 and 6)
In the present study majority of patients (60.6%) in the study group
were illiterates in all the three groups. Andrews L colleagues (2014) did a
similar study and concluded that 56.7% of the patients were illiterate [6].
This shows that literacy plays a vital role in preventing pregnancy related
Majority of normotensive pregnant women were booked cases and majority
of preeclamptic pregnant women were unbooked cases. But observed difference was
not statistically significant (P 0.180). In a similar study done by Behara NR
and coworkers majority (62%) of the patients had no antenatal care [7]. This
showed that the patients who took regular antenatal checkups had less chances
of having preeclampsia and associated complications.
In the present
study, age of most pregnancies occurred in the age group of 20-30 years and
mean age was 23.52±2.85 in all the three groups and which was similar to the
studies done earlier by Talwar P et aland Mary VP et alwhere majority of the patients belonged to younger
age group [8,9].
In present study 72.5% of the patients in severe preeclampsia group were
primigravida, while in mild preeclampsia 62.5% were primigravida and 71% in
normotensive group which was moderately significant. The findings were similar
to the studies done earlier by Jain R et al, Gopinath S et al and Umasatyasri Y
et al which showed majority of the patients were primigravida in preeclamptic
women. Thus the probability of having preeclampsia during pregnancy is higher
in primigravida [10,11,12].
When there was severe preeclampsia, we rarely continued the pregnancy
beyond 34 weeks and plan of action was to deliver immediately, prevent seizure
and control blood pressure. In mild preeclamptic patients the pregnancy was
continued upto 37 weeks but if any untoward complications were faced, pregnancy
was terminated. It was observed that higher the LDH level, earlier the
termination while patients with lower and normal LDH levels pregnancy was
In the present
study, control group (normotensive group) all had levels of<600 IU/l, the
mean value of LDH being 286.75± 100.68 IU/l. Most of the patients in mild
preeclampsia group had levels <600 IU/l. 16 patients (40%) had LDH in the
range of 600–800 IU/l. The mean LDH level calculated as 555.85±133.44IU/l. Out
of 40 cases of severe preeclampsia, 5 cases (12.4%) had LDH levels <600
IU/l, 24 cases (60%) had LDH levels between 600 and 800 IU/l and 11 cases
(27.5%) had LDH levels above 800 IU/l. It was found that majority of
preeclamptic women had abnormal levels of LDH and was significantly increased
among mildand severe preeclamptic women when compared with normotensive
controls. Highly significant increase in LDH level was found in women with
severe preeclampsia as compared with mild preeclampsia.
On analyzing the above data it is clearly observed that there is
significant rise in the LDH levels with increasing severity of the disease (P
<0.001) which was seen in studies done by Rajoria L et al, Dev SV et al and Bhave
NV et al[13,14,15].
Majority of the patients (81.8%) had anemia with serum LDH levels
>800 IU/l. One of the known complication of anaemia is preeclampsia which
seen in our study. Greater the severity of anemia higher is the severity of
preeclampsia. In a study done by Gupta G (2018) it was concluded that the risk
of perinatal and maternal morbidity increases with the severity of anaemia when
associated with preeclampsia [16].
In the present study thrombocytopenia was found in severe preeclampsia
which is a predictor of HELLP syndrome. Greater the severity of preeclampsia,
lower will be the platelet count. Similar to this finding was seen in others
studies done by Kant RH et albut study done by Qublan HS et al it was not
statistically significant. Severe grade of proteinuria is associated with
elevated LDH levels [17,18].
In severe preeclampsia group LSCS was done in 67.5% of patients while
37.5% in mild pre eclampsia had undergone LSCS and only 21% of normotensive
patients had undergone LSCS. The difference was found to be statistically
significant (P <0.001). This discrepancy in caesarean may be explained by
the high percentage of intra uterine growth restriction and fetal distress. In
accordance to the present study was by Singh P where the percentage of women
delivering by LSCS increased as the levels of LDH increased in preeclamptic
group [19].
Majority of the babies born to the patients with severe preeclampsia had
significantly lower birth weight when compared to normotensive patients and was
statistically significant.
Maternal complications like abruptio placentae, post partumhaemorrhage,
intra partum eclampsia, post partum eclampsia and HELLP syndrome were seen in
severe preeclamptic group in the study and it was observed that these patients
had serum LDH levels >800IU/l. Catanzerite et al. reported a subgroup of
patients who had elevated levels of LDH manifested with hemolysis, elevated
liver enzymes, low platelet count (HELLP) syndrome and were at a high risk for
developing maternal mortality [20].
Neonatal complications like intra uterine growth retardation, birth
asphyxia, still birth and NICU admission were seen in neonates who were born to
preeclamptic mothers and majority of the neonatal complications were seen in
serum LDH levels >800IU/l. Ciryam SS also found association between poor
obstetric outcome (low birth weight, IUGR, perinatal death and preterm births)
and increasing levels of serum LDH. Malerewicz et al, concluded that acute
clinical symptoms that endanger fetal life in preeclampsia correlate well with
distinct activity of LDH [21,22].
After following up of mothers upto six all were found to be healthy.
Neonates were followed upto one month and in that 2 neonatal death (cause of
the death for one neonate was prematurity and for another one was low birth
weight) was noted who were born to severe preeclamptic women and had serum LDH
levels >800 IU/l. Neonatal pathological jaundice (NPJ) was seen in neonates
who were born to preeclamptic women and all of the neonates mothers who had
NPJin severe preeclamptic group had serum LDH levels >800IU/l. Majority of
the neonatal sepsis were seen in those neonates who were born to severe
preeclamptic women and had serum LDH levels >800IU/l.
Preeclampsia is one of the important causes for maternal mortality in
India as well as other developing countries. Hence there is a search for
predictors and prognostic markers. Raised LDH is associated with preeclampsia
and higher the LDH levels more are the chances of complications. Hence serum
LDH can be measured in all pregnant women to predict preeclampsia. Proper
monitoring of serum LDH levels in a high risk pregnant woman may help in early
diagnosis and early intervention. As it predicts the severity of the disease it
can be used as a reliable biochemical marker to identify high risk patients for
close monitoring, prompt and correct management and hence help in preventing
complications, decreasing maternal, foetal and neonatal morbidity and
What this study adds to existing knowledge: Preeclampsia is a condition which has no
etiology. Morbidity and mortality can be reduced if preeclampsia can be
diagnosed at a stage where it can be prevented totally or at least we can take
secondary preventive measures. Hence there is a search for predictors and
prognostic markers. Raised LDH is associated with preeclampsia and higher the
LDH levels more are the chances of complications. Not many studies are
available regarding this hence it can be used as a predictor.
Authors Contributions: Conceptualization, study design, writing the
paper: K. Omkara Murthy.
Analysis: B S Dhananjaya. Carried out study, collection of data, writing the
paper: S Shazi
How to cite this article?
K. Omkara Murthy, B. S. Dhananjaya, S. Shazi. To study the correlation of serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels in women with preeclampsia on maternal and perinatal outcome.Obg Rev:J obstet Gynecol 2019;5(1):19-25.doi:10. 17511/jobg.2019.i1.04.